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2.8 公頃
Engineering News Record (ENR) New England Best Projects, Landscape/Urban Development Best Project
Boston Society of Civil Engineers Section (BSCES), Sustainability in Civil Engineering Award
Boston Society of Landscape Architects (BSLA), Honor Award in General Design category

由Sasaki与波士顿市长马丁・华殊(Martin J. Walsh)和波士顿市政府组成的合伙团队正对历史悠久的波士顿市政厅广场进行改造工程,占地2.8公顷的市政厅广场是全市最大的市民空间之一,从体育庆典、文化节目到政治集会,广场在过去半个世纪举办了大大小小的公众活动。然而,自二十世纪六十年代设计诞生以来,周边的城市环境变化了不少,市政设施的运营模式和公共安全标准也一直在提升,在这样的前提下,广场的基础设施便显得落后于二十一世纪的市民生活需求:尺度巨大的开放空间与阶梯式地面不仅无助于激活气氛,且与现代的无障碍设计原则违和。

2017年10月,市长华殊宣布推出“波士顿市政厅及广场总体规划研究:重构市政厅广场”项目,由Utile和Reed Hilderbrand两家设计事务所联手领导的研究工作,从长远角度为建成五十年的市政厅及市政厅广场定制未来三十年的总体规划策略,除提出一系列修缮措施外,团队更期望将基地升级为高效创新、提倡健康生活的市政设施,为波士顿居民和游客营造更好的公共空间。


由Sasaki领导的市政厅广场改造项目属整个总体规划的一部分,正在进行的第一期改造工程主要为了提高广场的可达性,使其适合全体民众到访,同时优化旧有的功能内容,加入可持续的基础设施。新设计旨在利用一条无障碍的人行坡道连系国会大街(Congress Street)与剑桥大街(Cambridge Street),沿途绿荫处处,人们可在树下休憩、聚会,或到游乐空间和公共艺术空间等现代设施自得其乐,亮眼的水景设计更为场地注入生动活泼的气氛。主广场最多可容纳两万人,其灵活配置适合举办各种大型节目。

– 开放市政厅大楼北入口
– 优化广场入口的无障碍设计
– 优化演讲者之角(speakers corner)的设计
– 与波士顿水务及排水管理委员会合作,改善雨洪水处理
– 设计适用于各类表演活动的灵活舞台


波士顿市政厅广场改建项目由公共设施部下辖的运营小组以及物业管理部联合管理,并由业主的项目经理Skanska USA提供协助。

The project features a 12,000 square-foot playscape that draws an entirely new generation of users once absent from the plaza and includes diverse installations for sensory play, water play, and adventure play. The playscape is designed in a style affectionately deemed ‘Kinder Brutalism’ alluding to City Hall’s architectural style of angular forms and concrete materiality.

A model for sustainability and resilience

The original plaza consisted entirely of impermeable surfaces that prevented the ground from absorbing rain, exacerbated downstream flooding, and washed surface pollutants directly into the Boston Harbor. The management and reuse of rainwater was an important component in making the plaza more sustainable. Over 60% of the surfaces now provide porous conditions as planting beds or permeable paving materials, which filter rainwater and restore the groundwater conditions. Over 50% of the rain that falls onto the plaza filters through permeable pavement surfaces and vegetated areas, hydrating plants and replenishing the groundwater. Approximately 35% of the rain is collected into a 10,000 gallon underground tank, which is then pumped back to the surface where it irrigates all the plants on site. The final 45% of the rain that falls onto the plaza’s surface is treated and returned to the city stormwater system, which then drains into Boston Harbor.

With over 250 new trees, 3,000 new shrubs, and 10,000 new perennials and grasses, the  vegetation in the plaza provides shade to over 50% of the site, minimizes heat-island effects, sequesters more than 55,000 tons of carbon emissions, and creates a diverse plant-rich environment that supports urban ecological systems.

A renewed architectural legacy connecting City Hall and the community

Originally intended to be a main public entrance to City Hall, the North Entry had been permanently closed since September 11, 2001. Sasaki’s design renovated and reopened this entrance, providing direct public access to City Hall’s services once again. The renovation subtly shifted the lower glass façade outwards, expanding the vestibule to create a new welcoming entrance featuring custom light fixtures and a modern security screening station inside the lobby. Just outside the entrance, visitors will find seating, plantings, sculptures, and bike amenities.

Nestled into the grade between Congress Street and the U.S. General Services Administration (GSA) terrace above, a new civic pavilion activates Congress Street, housing gender-inclusive restrooms, mechanical support for the plaza’s interactive water features, and ample room for diverse community programming–both inside as well as atop a roof terrace that opens onto the Cancer Garden of Hope. The 3,300 square foot venue features a glass wall that opens out towards Congress Street, inviting the public to explore the multi-use space.

A flexible and accommodating event venue

The new plaza provides Bostonians with much-needed flexible open space that accommodates all scales of events in all seasons. Activated with 21st-century civic amenities like new shaded seating, a public art space, a speaker’s podium, interactive water features, and improved wayfinding, the renovated plaza is a more welcoming place than it has ever been. From celebrations, concerts, and large events of up to 15,000 people, to everyday farmer’s markets, exercise classes, cultural events, and art installations, the updated public space is a humming heart of Boston’s downtown.

The renovation modernized the historic plaza with improved infrastructure, sustainability and public spaces while simultaneously honoring its original intentions and history as Boston’s place to gather, celebrate, and make residents’ voices heard.

The Boston City Hall Plaza Renovation project was managed through the City’s Operations Cabinet by the Public Facilities Department in partnership with the Property Management Department and was assisted by owners project manager Skanska USA.



For additional information about the City Hall Plaza Renovation project, visit For more background on the Rethink City Hall Master Planning Study completed in 2017, visit

想了解更多项目细节,请联系 Fiske CrowellMauricio Gomez.

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